Triple Combo
The Dual Induction tool is deployed to acquire formation conductivity measurements in aquifers with high salinity or in environments with oil-based drilling fluids. By utilizing pairs of transmitter and receiver coils, it offers measurements of deep and medium resistivity, which are utilized for calculating fluid saturation. These measurements can be further analyzed to assess water quality and estimate the total dissolved solids.
Dual Induction
This tool is designed to respond to the chemistry of rocks as
well as their bulk density. It has the ability to differentiate between sandstone, limestone
and dolomite.
Compensated Density
The Compensated Neutron Logging Tool provides one of the
primary porosity measurements used for saturation calculations. Can be used to determine
porosity for a considerable range of borehole conditions and rock types. When combined
with density measurements, it also provides lithology indication, shale volume, and
formation gas identification.
Compensated Neutron
Three elements and their decay chains are responsible for the
radiation emitted by rock: potassium, thorium and uranium. Shale formations often contain
potassium as part of their clay content and tend to absorb uranium and thorium as well. A
common gamma-ray log records the total radiation emitted by the formation.
SGR or Gamma Ray
Three and Five Foot Borehole Compensated Sonic. Allows data to be utilized for
porosity, fracture detection, and formation identification. Interval travel time log provides
seismic correction on depth. With full VDL.
BHC Sonic
Micro resistivity devices measure the resistivity of the flushed zone and
delineate permeable beds by detecting the presence of mudcake.